"You like me. You really like me." Please indulge me while I misquote Sally Field's Oscar acceptance speech because this is my first blog award. How very nice indeed. Thanks to Made for TV Mayhem for bestowing me with this honor. She appreciates the many hours I've spent watching The Brady Bunch which I've always believed to be its own reward.
In winning this award, I'm supposed to name 15 other noteworthy blogs. In no particular order:
Classic Film and TV Cafe There's always a fascinating discussion or post about a classic film or actor.
I Screen, You Screen She covers the best of the current TV scene!
Culture Kills...Wait I Mean Cutlery Pop culture with an attitude. I love it!
Cleveland Classic Media He likes Ghoulardi too!
No Smoking in the Skull Cave From pin-ups to Doctor Who, there's always something shakin' in the Skull Cave.
John Kenneth Muir's Reflections on Film/TV An award-winning author who writes about Sci-Fi, Horror, and Pop Culture. He's the expert.
Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass Rick Goldschmidt is THE Rankin/Bass historian.
The Film Frontier For all things Elvis, Star Trek, Star Wars and Superman, check this out.
Opinionated? Me? Passionate about books and a fun, sassy reviewer!
The Retroist This blog takes all things retro Pop Culture to the next level.
Pop Cereal Anyone who is a fan of both Saturday morning's Isis and A Christmas Carol with Alistair Sim is worth checking out.
TV Party blog Billy Ingram's website is THE TV fan space, and his regularly updated blog will keep you in the loop.
Popped Culture He's just hilarious.
Wonderful Wonderblog Last December, I was obsessed with looking at the Star Wars Christmas LP album cover art at his site!
Interesting Akron My friend's tour of Akron's (Ohio) best out-of-the-way places.
And for the Addiction Award: Awful Library Books Hilariously outdated library books posted and commented on by your friendly neighborhood librarians. I can't stop reading it!
Can you tell I'm into TV, film and books? I wish I had more time for more things!
Thank you very much for the blog award! I'll try to pass it on soon.